Paul Kooiker Hunting and Fishing 1999г.


Замечательная небольшая коллекция симпатичных раскрашенных обнаженных тел, не в фокусе.

Naked women running through woods and meadows is an almost foolproof subject, and in his first solo show in this country, the Dutch photographer Paul Kooiker pursues it with single-minded zeal. Almost all of the women are photographed from behind, seemingly in search of -- or pursued by -- someone or something. It is hard to tell which, a puzzle that lends an air of poetic mystery to these images.

To add to the intrigue, Mr. Kooiker has chosen to give his camera work the look of painting. The soft-focus photos are manipulated in the darkroom, then transformed into digitized images and printed on watercolor paper. The result is a blurry ''painterly'' look in which some bodies are easy to discern, others so indistinct that they all but blend with their woodsy backgrounds.

Издательство: Basalt.

Год выпуска: 2006.

Состояние: б/у.

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